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Are you getting enough? … Folic acid that is!

Folic acid is a B-group vitamin which is essential for the healthy growth of the foetus – especially in...

The Myths that surround determining the sex of your unborn child

Once your pregnancy becomes obvious you will be inundated by people (including random strangers) with advice...

Foods to avoid in Pregnancy

It’s a long time since the 1950’s when pregnant women smoked and drank for the nine months with their Doctor’s knowledge. Even 20 years ago in....

What you eat before you’re pregnant is just as important as after….

English scientists are conducting a trial of 110 couples prior to their undergoing IVF treatment. For the preconception trial the couples will...

“Facetime” technology connects Mum and baby

As often as we bemoan the abuse and overuse of telephonic technology it’s undeniable it has many benefits. In a lovely story...

Soccer Win = Baby Boom

In one month, May 2009, the Spanish soccer club FC Barcelona won three major trophies...

How to Prepare for Parenthood

Once you begin to even hint at starting a family people inundate you with all sorts of advice. Some of this advice may be useful ...

Are babies contagious? We hope so!

A new sociological study has found that women’s fertility planning is influenced by their high school friends. One friend giving birth starts...

It’s not just baby brain!

English research scientists have identified increased activity in the right side of the brain in pregnant women. This area is related to...

IVF babies grow up the same…

Australia has conducted the world’s largest study of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) conceived adults. Staff from the University of Melbourne...