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Bringing home baby….

We all focus so intently on conception, pregnancy and birth we often give little thought to the reality of life with a new baby. Probably with good reason!! If you thought about it for too long you would run screaming into the night (alone).

But the truth is it can be tough – sleep deprivation is after all a form of torture. So sleep deprived with a completely different body and a completely different life a new mother can feel desperate.

So always remember to accept any offers of help – now is not the time to exert your independence – take what you can get. And try to find some other new Mums to bounce off – after all misery loves company.

But most of all remember to enjoy those precious moments when your baby is sleeping and peaceful and know that it all gets easier – or you get better at it.

Read more…..http://www.huffingtonpost.com/liz-curtis-faria/5-universal-truths-of-new-motherhood_b_6579056.html?utm_hp_ref=parents&ir=Parents

You are not alone –truthfully most of us struggle with the needs of a new born. They are demanding little miracles.
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