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Genetic Memory research adds to Darwin’s evolutionary theory

Ground-breaking research from University of Adelaide shows that sperm and ova appear to carry genetic memories of events occurring well before...

Pseudo-pregnant Panda Fools Experts

Ai Hin, a six year old giant panda, living at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Centre in China, has been feigning pregnancy...

First Womb Transplant Baby Born

In an amazing breakthrough for infertile women the world over, a thirty six year old Swedish woman has given birth...

PMS – A Monthly Treat!

Premenstrual syndrome, also called premenstrual tension is a collection of emotional symptoms, with or without physical symptoms...

Students Overrate their Fertility

A recent study from Auckland University reveals that most students are over-estimating their fertility in later life. This news coupled with...

Bringing home baby….

We all focus so intently on conception, pregnancy and birth we often give little thought to the reality of life with a new baby...

As long as you get a healthy baby….

There is often media, and particularly social media debate about the best way to fall pregnant, birth, feed and raise babies. However the short answer is...

Great Interview re MonaLisa Touch therapy

Please take 10 minutes to watch this fantastic interview with eminent American Gynaecologist Dr Mickey Karram on Huffington Post Live...

Exciting, advanced treatment

Although it seems strange to be using the adjective “exciting” when talking about a medical treatment there is no doubt ...

How knowledgeable are you about your own body?

Biology students are taught the basics of reproduction, menstruation and birth. And most of us have...